Dev C%2b%2b Tutorial Pdf

Dev C Manual Pdf Dev-C is a free full-featured integrated development environment (IDE) distributed under the GNU General Public License for programming in C and C Dev c manuale pdf. I wrote this tutorial for those who wish to f. Welcome to Teach Yourself C in 21 Days! Today you will get started on your way to becoming a proficient C programmer. You'll learn Why C is the emerging standard in software development. The steps to develop a C program. How to enter, compile, and link your first working C program. A Brief History of C.

C++ graphics programming

Perhaps, the capacity of C++ to perform fast graphics display has contributed to the popularity of C++ in graphics and game programming. In this section, you will learn basic C++ graphics programming. This part is a good place to start learning graphics programming with C++. I also guide you to the process of installing graphics library and header files of freeglut package: Download here

Installing and configuring freeglut library and header files

Before you can write C++ code to display graphics on the screen, you need to install and configure graphics libraries and header files that C++ compiler can understand. freeglut package is a popular package that provides these libraries and header files. freeglut is an open source alternative to the GLUT toolkit (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) library that is a software interface to graphics harware. It can be used to produce colors images of moving, two and three-dimensional objects. After you download the freeglut package in zip format, unzip it in a proper place that you can find it. Then do the followings:

-Copy freeglut.dll file to Window System32 folder
-Copy all header files from freeglut/include/GL to include/GL folder of Dev-C++ compiler
-Copy libfreeglut.a file from freeglut/lib to lib folder of Dev-C++ compiler
-Open Dev-C++ window editor and create a new C++ project(Console Application)
-Open Project Option by pressing Alt+p
-In Linker box of Parameters, you need to add the following library files:
You my find these two files in lib folder of Dev-C++ compiler
-Click Ok to save change
Now you are ready to start your first graphic program. Copy and paste the following code to your project:
#include <GL/freeglut.h>
using namespace std;
void showme(void);
void dis();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
glutInit(&argc, argv);
glOrtho(-1.2, 1.2, -1.2, 1.2, -1.2, 1.2);
return 0;
//--- showme
void showme(void)
void setup()

You need to include the freeglut.h file to your program by writing #include <GL/freeglut.h>. The glutInit() command initializes GLUT and processes any command-line argument. It should be called before other commands. glutInitDisplayModecommand specifies the color mode (ARGB or index-color) or buffer mode (single or double -buffer) to use. The glutInitWindowSize command specifies the size, in pixel, of the working window. The glOrtho command specifies the coordinate system to draw the images. The glutCreateWindow creates a window with OpenGL context. The window is not yet displayed until the glutMainLoop command. The glClearColor command specifies clearing color. The glClear actually clears the window to a specified color. With the glutDisplayFunc command you can specify objects to display on the window. The glutSwapBuffers command waits until the previous an next buffer completely displayed.


Learning C++ for Beginners

Welcome to the beginner series of tutorials on how to learn C++ programming. While you can use any Native C++ Compiler in these tutorials, we will use the free Microsoft C++ Compiler.

A C++ Console application (text input / text output to the console window), is the easy way to learn all the fundamentals of C++ programming. It is really all you’ll need to get started in C++.

We will also cover Functions and OOP (Object Oriented Programming) later in the series.

We write console applications like you see below.

Read the tutorials:

Part 1 – Installing Visual C++ Express
In this tutorial, you learn how to download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Express. It is free, and easy to learn. It also offers more than enough features to learn C++ programming.

Start learning the basics of writing programs in C++. Program a simple Console text input/output program, and learn the two kinds of errors (bugs) that prevents programs from running.

Start using the Conditional “ if ” statement, which compares 2 or more variables inside the parenthesis of the “if” statement. Program a real App, a Simple Calculator.

Part 4 – else if Statement in C++

We go into detail on the “if” statement. This includes the statements else, else if, and nesting if-else statements. Then we will start a new programming Project: Metric Converter.

Part 5 – “switch and loops”

Dev C 2b 2b Tutorial Pdf Tutorial

In the 5th tutorial for beginners in C++, we will introduce you to the “switch” statement and in the later part will move to the iteration structures such as “for”, “while”, “do while” loops.

Part 6 – Arrays & Strings

In this tutorial we are going to introduce you with the most fundamental data structure i-e Numbered Arrays in C++. We are also going to have some fun with Strings in C++.

We have discussed arrays and strings in the previous tutorial. Now is the time to discuss something more advanced and technical. Yes, we are going to discuss pointers in this tutorial.

Functions… a very important aspect of any programming language. We will describe what a function is, what its uses are and then give examples of how a function can be used in C++.


Learn about the default way of passing values to function parameters. Call by Value does not let values that change, be passed back, altering the original variable.

Learn the advantages to calling a function by reference. This can be done by pointers as well. Copy and paste code in the examples.

Learn about the ‘const’ modifier and how to use it in functions, global and local variables, and with pointers. Clear and easy.

Dev C 2b 2b Tutorial Pdf File

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A lot more C++ tutorials on the way. We have yet to finish this tutorial series on C++, so stay tuned. Until then, check the links below for more programming tutorials.

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